The last week has been a roller coaster of emotions for me.
I've had a job for the past three years that I have loved. I worked for a technical college in the area. There are several campuses and I worked at one of the campuses that was an hour away from my home. This campus is in a small town and so I was the only librarian on that campus. I worked collaboratively with the librarians on the other campuses in the area, but I was able to order the books and movies I wanted for the collection, buy new computer workstations, answer reference questions, help administer tests, and do a variety of other tasks. I enjoyed making the library how I wanted it. I got along with all my co-workers- everyone was so friendly and willing to answer questions when I had them. I also enjoyed the variety that came with the position.
I had my last day at this job last Thursday. I didn't realize how much I would miss this job until Thursday night when I was sending my farewell email to everyone. I started crying. I enjoy driving and this was an hour away from home, but my car has over 250,000 miles on it. This was becoming a concern for me. But I enjoyed my work. I had several patrons I always looked forward to seeing. I was happy. All this hit me while I was writing this goodbye email. And it was my late night so no one was on campus anymore. I had no one to go up to and say "I'll miss you." I had said it several times throughout the week to a variety of people, but it just wouldn't have had the same feeling to it as it would have that evening.
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My New Favorite Thing
I have never been someone who drinks coffee. The taste has always turned me off and I think everyone's addiction to it has made me turn up my nose as well. My passion has always been tea. With sugar or without, hot or cold, flavored or black, I find tea to be delicious. But I'll let you in on a secret, I'm starting to like coffee. Don't tell tea that I'm abandoning ship.
Granted, I still love tea. I think there is a great amount of comfort that can be derived from a cup of hot chai tea or a cup of peppermint tea. Tea is a comforting thing, and has brought me solace on many occasions.
Recently, I have been really busy, and coffee drinks have kept me going. My new coffee fascination could be the numerous Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Gloria Jean's, and other coffee places that are conveniently located on every corner. I mean I was going to have to like lattes cappuccinos, and frappuccinos eventually, right? I have not crossed completely to the dark side, however. I still need sugar or creamer (preferably a flavored creamer like Irish Creme or Mocha), but I will drink coffee and enjoy it whereas before that was unthinkable for me.
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Student Teaching
This semester I have been student teaching. Some days it has kicked my butt with cranky students and late nights combined with early mornings. Most days, however, I am very pleased with being in the classroom. I love seeing my students learn and use new grammar structures that they wouldn't have been able to use without me. I love the enthusiasm that students can have. I love seeing the students open up and watch their personalities develop in my classroom. I love making kids laugh and acting like a fool in front of them to help them learn. I also love speaking Spanish everyday.
Today is April 8th and May 3rd will end my student teaching experience. I can't believe that I have less than a month left in this amazing 15 week experience. Although it will be nice not to get up at 5:00AM, I will miss my students dearly. I will also miss my cooperating teacher, señor. Señor has helped me and supported me so much. I know that next year will be less difficult because of all the wisdom and experience he has given me, and I don't know what I will do without him to chat with on a daily basis. I honestly can't think of next year without him being there to help me.
From the 11 weeks I have had so far, some of the best memories/my proudest moments include:
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Going Home
This week has been a bit stressful for me: I have had more meetings at night than usual, I have had many things I need to accomplish before spring break starts next week, and I have had more commitments at my school on top of student teaching. Something that has been a driving force (especially this morning) is that I am going home on Thursday night. I am not a person who casually goes home on the weekend for various reasons, so school breaks are generally the only time I go home. I have not been home since the end of winter break and I am pretty excited to go home in a little more 24 hours.
Also, I think holidays are wonderful things and Easter is a great holiday. Christmas is my favorite holiday, but Easter is number two, and since I am in a list making mood, here are some of my top reasons to leave Easter:
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I Ate McDonald's, and I Didn't Like It
For some of my friends, just thinking of me eating McDonald's gives them a stomach ache. For others, it's no big deal because they eat there several times a month themselves.
I used to eat at McDonald's more often. I drive 45 minutes to one of my jobs 4 days a week and when I had been lazy and hadn't packed a lunch, this was an easy stop to make and under $5.00. Then Lent came. I knew I needed to lose weight for the Biggest Loser competition at my gym and I needed to have a healthier lifestyle. Because of that, I went all out this Lent. No sugar (skittles, soda, candy, ice cream, etc.). No meat. No eating out.
I did cave a couple times on some of those, but for the most part, I did really well this Lent. Yesterday was a cave in day. I know, I know. It's Holy Week. Just 6 more days and I can let go for a couple days. But I had been lazy and I was REALLY hungry after work. I had a McDonalds gift card so I decided to swing by. I got my usual: Cheeseburger with extra pickles, McChicken sandwich, small fry. I really wanted a Shamrock Shake since I haven't had one yet this year, but I restrained myself.
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A Day Where Everything Falls Into Place
Yesterday, March 13, 2013, was a wonderful day.
Papa Francisco, Papa Francis, was elected as Pope. I was able to listen to his first address to the audience live, in my car, driving back from work. You may wonder why I called him Papa rather than Pope Francis. That's just something my cousins and I do sometimes. I don't do it to every Pope. Just the ones I feel like I could connect with. The ones I really admire. Same thing with priests or others with titles as such. My dad's side of the family was, and still is, very close to the priest at the church where I grew up. Many of those people just call the priest by his first name. I've always liked that. Yes, some, like my Mom, use the title as a sign of respect. But if I want to respect someone, become friends with that person, have a relationship with them on an individual level, I would never use a title like that. They'd just be "Joe" or "Greg." I can't bring myself to be that casual with the person sitting in Saint Peter's seat of the Church. But I can humanize the title a little.
I'm thrilled we have a Pope from Argentina as well. J is almost done student teaching and will be a Spanish teacher next year. Our mom is a Spanish teacher too. I have a love for Spanish speaking countries because of this. And it's wonderful to have a nod to all the Catholics in Central and South America. He has set a precedent as being the first Pope in many ways. I'm just so thrilled. He seems wonderful.
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Snow Days and an Ode to Saturday Mornings
On Wednesday, I woke up to one of the best texts a gal can receive: snow day. I am starting to think that teachers enjoy snow days more than students do, but regardless snow days are beloved by all. This was my second snow day of the year, and since I will be graduating and leaving my student placement in May, I do not have to make up that day, so it was a no-strings-attached free day in the middle of the week. After I saw the text declaring the much needed snow day, I fell back into my bed and slept in. Although sitting on the couch and watching TV for the rest of the day sounded like fun, I ended up applying to the Madison school district, picking up my dry cleaning, tutoring a boy in Spanish, and grading papers. I got to spend the majority of the day in my pajamas, so it was a win. The snow day made the rest of my week pass quickly, and now it is Saturday morning.
Lemon Poppy Seed Happiness |
I think that Saturday mornings are my favorite day of the week. On Saturdays, I do not have to set my alarm for anything and when I wake up I watch a little bit of TV or read. This morning, I had a lemon poppy seed muffin (one of my favorites) and a glass of chocolate milk while reading The Day of the Triffids (You can find a summary of the book here -
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Being Content
Hi all; I'm J, M's sister. I wanted to write this post about happiness and being content with life. While I was at mass this evening, I felt a sudden peace and happiness. This is not to say that I am normally not pleased with my life, but I just felt peaceful. Upon further reflection, I think the happiness has derived from being productive today. I volunteered this morning, cleaned my room, helped plan a bridal shower for a friend, and ate brunch with some of my favorites. Not too bad for a Saturday afternoon. I am currently working the front desk, I have finished my grading, and I am uploading the Les Mis movie soundtrack onto my iTunes. I feel on top of the world, and I am blessed to be surrounded by wonderful people.
So much happiness and so many smiles in my life right now.
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Wedding Weight Loss
Weight loss or gain is something it seems everyone is struggling with or has struggled with. I was a size 3 in juniors sizes when I started high school. I was up to a size 7 by the time I graduated. That was almost 10 years ago. I realize that part of that was a high metabolism, the fact that puberty hadn't finished with me yet, and that I was in cross country as a freshman and would have been as a sophomore if I hadn't broken my ankle at the end of summer.
My point, is that when I was a 3, or a 5, or even an 8, I thought I was fat. I needed to lose weight. Get rid of my belly, have more defined legs, tone the arms, etc. I didn't have this problem when I was in what would have been middle school if it hadn't been a K-8. Not sure when I started thinking this way, but it must have been in high school sometime. I look back on this and wish I could have talked to my 13, 14, 16 year old self. Let her know that she was beautiful, in shape, and not to worry about it.
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