Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I Ate McDonald's, and I Didn't Like It

For some of my friends, just thinking of me eating McDonald's gives them a stomach ache.  For others, it's no big deal because they eat there several times a month themselves.

I used to eat at McDonald's more often.  I drive 45 minutes to one of my jobs 4 days a week and when I had been lazy and hadn't packed a lunch, this was an easy stop to make and under $5.00.  Then Lent came.  I knew I needed to lose weight for the Biggest Loser competition at my gym and I needed to have a healthier lifestyle.  Because of that, I went all out this Lent.  No sugar (skittles, soda, candy, ice cream, etc.).  No meat.  No eating out.

I did cave a couple times on some of those, but for the most part, I did really well this Lent.  Yesterday was a cave in day.  I know, I know.  It's Holy Week.  Just 6 more days and I can let go for a couple days.  But I had been lazy and I was REALLY hungry after work.  I had a McDonalds gift card so I decided to swing by.  I got my usual: Cheeseburger with extra pickles, McChicken sandwich, small fry.  I really wanted a Shamrock Shake since I haven't had one yet this year, but I restrained myself. 

It didn't taste great. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as good as I remembered either.

And I felt what it did to me.  I could feel it sitting in my stomach for the rest of the evening.  I was shelving in the Children's section at my other library job and I just felt sick for the rest of the night.  It's almost 24 hours later and I still don't feel like my normal self.

Is this what McDonalds has been doing to me and I never noticed?  It's not as though I ate at McDonalds that often before Lent.  Subway or Taco Bell were my choices if I did decide to eat out, but I would have a burger on occasion.

I do not want to feel that sick again.  I have never had food poisoning, and never want to, but that feeling I had all yesterday and still a bit today is something I know now that I can avoid. 

For those of you reading this who do eat out:  try giving it up for a while.  You'll save money, and if/when you do go back, perhaps you'll notice how different it makes you feel.

I won't be eating McDonald's burgers again.  My solemn vow to you, my readers, but most of all, to myself.


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