Monday, April 29, 2013

42- The Movie Review

I saw an amazing movie this past weekend.  Why was it amazing, you ask?  Well, it was based on a true story.  The acting was superb.  The context of the movie pulled at my heart strings.  It made me cry- although I'll admit that's not difficult to do. 

42 is based on two years of Jackie Robinson's life: from the time he signed on with the Montreal Royals through his first year on the Brooklyn Dodgers.  The movie effectively covers the life he had at home and the love he had for his wife and son, but focused on his trials, disappointments, and encounters both on and off the field.

Jackie Robinson was brilliantly played by Chadwick Boseman who has had minor roles on TV shows, according to IMDB, but hasn't had a lead break-out role until now.  He played Jackie wonderfully.  Showcasing the restraint of emotion that was needed in difficult scenes, to displaying the anger and hurt when necessary as well.

Branch Rickey, the team executive of the Brooklyn Dodgers, was played remarkably well by Harrison Ford.  Oh my dear Harrison.  You may be 70 years old, but you are still a stud.  Branch was more often than not seen smoking a cigar and growling to others what he required of them.  There were a few times when more depth with emotion was needed and he delivered. 

For those of you who like to be surprised by minor roled characters, I won't list anymore who is in the movie.  I enjoy watching a movie, seeing a face I recognize, and then attempting to try to place as to how I know them.  If you really want to know who else is in it, go look it up

I cannot recommend this movie enough.  It is rated PG-13, just for language, unless I'm mistaken.  But the language they used was necessary based on the tone of the movie and the setting.  I'm not opposed to sex in movies, but those scenes are unnecessary to the story more often than not. 

The acting was excellent.  The story was wonderful.  The characters are true and memorable.

There's nothing in this movie that makes it something that needs to be seen in theatres.  There aren't great special effects or action scenes.  You won't miss much if you wait until it's on DVD to watch it.

Consensus:  5 out of 5 stars. 


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